The Congolese government hoped that the project would allow the country to translate its mineral wealth into tangible development. 刚果政府希望该项目能帮助该国将矿产财富转化为有形的经济发展。
This land of forests, fertile plains, and enormous mineral wealth was victimized by imperial Russia and then by the Japanese. 这里的森林、肥沃的平原、以及庞大的矿产储量曾经是俄罗斯然后是日本的牺牲品。
Mineral deposits, resources, wealth, etc. 矿藏、矿物资源、矿物财富。
Mineral wealth belongs to local people and their leaders are only doing their job when they extract the maximum rent over the long term. 矿产财富属于当地人民;争取长远利益最大化,这是他们的领袖的职责。
Congo has 10 per cent of the world's copper reserves and the deal promised to enable the cash-strapped government of the country, still recovering from a debilitating civil war, to translate its mineral wealth into tangible development. 刚果拥有世界铜矿储量的10%,该协议使现金匮乏的该国政府有望将本国的矿藏转化为现实的经济发展。目前刚果仍在从内战浩劫中艰难恢复。
Onto the river they first projected dreams of mineral and agricultural wealth, and then of national renewal. 他们把对于矿藏和粮食的渴望投射其上,并梦想借此恢复国家元气。
Interest in Mongolia's extensive mineral wealth the country boasts the world's largest undeveloped copper and coking coal reserves was reignited this month after Ivanhoe reached an agreement with the government on a copper and gold mining project. 蒙古拥有全球最大的未开发铜矿和炼焦煤储量。本月艾芬豪公司与蒙古政府就一处铜金矿达成开采协议,重新点燃了外界对于蒙古丰富矿产资源的兴趣。
With their anti-gringo mindset, mineral wealth, and energy reserves, they are tempting targets for rising powers like China and Russia. 虽然贫穷,但是这些国家拥有丰富的矿产和能源资源,是中国和俄罗斯这样的国家拉拢的对象。
If all that mineral wealth were in the form of oil, the state would be rolling in money and taxpayers could get some relief from the constant cuts in services and tax hikes. 如果所有的矿产资源都是石油形态的话,那么内华达的财源那将是滚滚啊。虽然服务业不断被削减还有税赋在增加,那纳税人还是可以得到些安慰的。
Mongolia, a resource-rich country of 3m people, with a per capita gross domestic product of just over$ 3,000, has introduced policies to share its growing mineral wealth with its citizens. 300万人口的蒙古资源丰富,而目前人均国内生产总值(GDP)仅为3000美元。政府出台了政策,要与国民共享日益增长的矿产财富。
Unlike Gazprom and Saudi Aramco, CNPC is not blessed with mineral wealth so vast that it can keep its energy-hungry country supplied. 与俄罗斯和沙特的石油同行不一样,中石油没有足够巨大的矿产财富来供应迫切需要能源的祖国。
Politicians have defended the buyback programme, saying they are just giving Mongolians a chance to participate in the mineral wealth. 政界人士为回购计划辩护,称他们就是要给蒙古人一个分享矿产财富的机会。
The USA has immerse mineral wealth, while brain has comparatively little. 美国有丰富的矿藏,而美国的矿藏却很少。
An abundance of material possessions and resources. mineral deposits, resources, wealth, etc. 丰富的物质财产和资源。矿藏、矿物资源、矿物财富。
But Mr Timis cautioned against assuming that the current investment boom in iron ore in West Africa known as much for recent civil wars as its mineral wealth would result in working mines. 但蒂米什告诫称,不要想当然地以为西非目前的铁矿石投资热潮,必然会让铁矿得到开发西非近年内战的名声不亚于其矿物资源。
I could not suppose that my wood was the destined nucleus of universal dominion& it is so very small and contains no mineral wealth beyond the blackberries. 我无法设想我那片园林注定是支配宇宙的核心&面积小不说,除了黑刺莓浆果外,不含任何矿藏。
The mine represents a daily fight for survival in a country where mineral wealth has more value than human life. 这部纪录片呈现了一个矿石的价值高于人的生命的国家,为了每日的生存而进行的斗争是多么艰难。
There is vast mineral wealth waiting to be tapped. 那里有大量的矿产等待开采。
Hence, an insight that is as powerful as it is counterintuitive: poor but resource-rich countries tend to be underdeveloped not despite their hydrocarbon and mineral riches but because of their resource wealth. 由此可以得出一项有力却有违直觉的洞见:贫穷但资源丰富的国家之所以往往不发达,是因为它们丰富的碳氢和矿产资源非但没有推动、反而阻碍了发展。
Oil or mineral wealth mostly reduces the population's standard of living because it diverts effort and talent from wealth creation to rent-seeking. 石油或矿业财富大多使人民的生活水准下降,因为它们把人们的才能和努力从创造财富转移到了寻租上。
The mineral resources wealth was produced together by many kinds of key elements, this has carried on the distribution of income and offered the theoretical foundation according to the factor input for rights and interests of the mining right; 矿产资源财富是由多种要素共同生产的,这就为矿业权权益按要素投入进行收益分配提供了理论依据;
Mineral resource is human production and basic source of the means of livelihood, it is the human valuable wealth. Its development and utilization is closely linked with each department of national economic construction. 矿产资源是人类生产和生活资料的基本源泉,是人类的宝贵财富,矿产资源的开发利用与国民经济建设的各个部门息息相关。